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Savage Data Systems’ Operational Data Store (ODS): 

The Operational Data Store is a management system for meter consumption/demand data, instrumentation and events (such as outages). It provides reports, online enquiry as well as data analysis in a user-friendly format.  This highly automated environment reduces workload and enhances billing accuracy.


The ODS provides data analysis and editing tools that assist local distributing companies (LDC)s in managing:

•    Meters

•    Billing requests

•    The "MDM/R BQR pre audit" billing process

•    Outages

•    Transformers

•    Work force applications

•    Meter events

•    Meter data submissions


The ODS is able to accept data from Smart Meters and function with the following:

•    Billing support

•    VEE

•    Analytics 

•    Interactive Map based interface to view outages

•    Interactive Map based interface to view overloaded transformers

•    Interactive tool to simulate configuration/connection changes. 



Savage Data’s ODS provides a wide selection of reports including MDM/R reports in an easy-to-use format. When viewed online, the reports are linked to all relevant data and users can drill down to understand complex issues. LDCs can view all the reports for a particular day or select the date range and the report types they wish to see. 


LDCs can identify meters that:

•    Are not reporting register reads

•    Are reporting zero consumption

•    Have multiple meters installed on one USDP

•    Have high demand estimates


There are many different reports available in Savage Data’s ODS. 

Savage Data’s ODS also allows LDCs to build their own reports using date options, selecting columns and specifying their own rules. 



Savage Data’s ODS will allow LDCs to view not only data, but the exact source file, version of data, status, line number, date and time the data came in. LDCs can compare the interval data verses the temperature that day or against other meters. The ODS shows the interval data beginning from the start of the selected period to the end of the selected period and the total consumption for the period. The total consumption for each day is shown as well as the register read for the end of the day and the register read delta, calculated delta and the delta error. Savage Data Systems keeps track of all our client’s data. Although only the latest version of the data is actually displayed, multiple versions are maintained in the database for audit purposes.


Savage Data’s ODS allows LDCs to view:

•    USDP’s interval data

•    Register reads

•    Time of use

•    Associated meters and accounts

•    MDM/R data

•    Billing Cycle Number

•    Multipliers

•    VEE Service Code

•    Sync information


Savage Data Systems also supports demand data. If an LDC has demand meter data in the ODS, the LDC can look at the data in the ODS by entering the meter number or USDP, entering the date range they wish to view and selecting the unit of measure.


When viewing a meter, the ODS can also display the time of use (TOU). The consumption divides into On-Peak(Red), Mid-Peak(Orange) and Off-Peak buckets(Green). LDCs can see consumption and cost per bucket easily. LDCs can even easily compare and see the difference between what the ODS has and what the MDM/R has for Register Reads on any particular meter or USDP. 



For any LDC, knowing the status of your transformers is important. In the transformer loading screen, the LDC can review the load on their transformers and react accordingly. Just like viewing meters, this screen allows the user to filter what they want to see including the interval, KVA rating and KVA percentage parameters. In addition to seeing the transformers on the map view, LDCs will also be able to review the generation and consumption for a given transformer in the transformer data view in the ODS.

ODS: About
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ODS: Image
ODS: About

BQR Pre-Audit
Savage Data Systems is able to provide an even more comprehensive solution with the inclusion of our Billing Quantity Request Pre-Audit System. Eliminating or significantly reducing the time and effort of dealing with error reports from the MDM/R or having to manually update the MDM/R with missing data and the re-billing process.
The LDCs’ advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) would send all the data to both Savage Data Systems and the MDM/R. Savage Data Systems using the VE11 report then harvests any estimation that the MDM/R has done. This is to ensure that both the ODS and MDM/R have the same data.

The LDCs send their 5500 (Billing Request) files to Savage Data Systems first in order for Savage Data Systems to do an audit of the data. 
Savage Data Systems then checks for interval data, appropriate beginning and end of billing period reads and ensures that there are no sum checks. If anything is required to make the billing period balance the ODS does that; including re-estimating interval data to make it balance, estimating missing intervals if data was not received and/or not harvested from the MDM/R and/or deriving register reads at the beginning or end of the billing period. Any edits that the ODS does are sent via CMEP to the MDM/R, Savage Data Systems is always working to ensure the same data is at both locations.

​Once the audit is complete those billing requests 5500 files that were completed can be released to be sent to the MDM/R. Those that require LDC intervention are located in the BQ Staging area where the LDC can work through them.
Meter Staging
Meter Staging is an important part of the whole billing process. It involves the preparation of the data around meter exchanges, meter removals, new services, disconnects and reconnects. With this data in place, the BQR process will be able to do the estimates and verification it needs to do, to update the MDM/R and allow for an error free BQR response. 
There are three sources of data for this process: 
1.    The IR06 created by synchronization process;
2.    The Meter Exchange data or Service Order data;
        via Spreadsheet or automated process. eg mCare.
3.    Manual entry by the LDC.

The ​Meter Staging screen provides a convenient method to access that may require additional information. This easy to use interface ensures quick and efficient exchanges.

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